Magical Mask Change
As Seen On National TV! Well known magical mask change by Alex the Magician.
Need Truly Original, Dynamic Entertainment That Breathes Like Fresh Air Amongst Rehashed “It’s The Same Darn Thing Again” Type Of Acts?

Alex the Magician
Magical Mask Change / Sichuan Bian Lian

Alex is the FIRST Magical Mask Changer or Bian Lian Master in Singapore and his Magical Mask Changing or better known as Bian Lian Act is hands-down guaranteed to bring forth gasps of amazement from your audience.
Having performed in many countries around the world, Alex, Singapore based performer, can travel to any country that you might host YOUR event.
You will be totally gob smacked when you realize just how impossible this act is when you watch the Opera Mask that Alex dons undergo a series of radical transformations in FULL view!
Alex’s incredible Magical Mask Change or Bian Lian Act is truly an exclusive treat for your audience as the art of “mask changing” has been jealously guarded by the Chinese National Government as a National Secret and has been shrouded in mystery for years.
From a purely technical standpoint, Alex stands head and shoulders over the other guys because he goes through at least 9 mask changes in his act whereas the wannabes limp along with 3 to 7 changes.
What really leaves his competitors biting his dust though, is his uncanny ability to revert to a masked state at the blink of an eye even though he is totally bare faced.