Alex’s electrifying World of Illusions Show will help you accomplish to inject A Sense Of Grandeur and Create Riveting Excitement in event.
It will feel as though Alex teleports your audience right to the cabaret stages of Las Vegas and melds livestock like doves alongside grand-scale illusions into a seamless spectacle that is a visual extravaganza and is pure dynamite entertainment!

Alex The Magician prepares to walk through steel.

Alex The Magician Performing "The Vortex" Illusion.

Alex The Magician levitates a lady.
Alex's World of Illusions

You will witness unbelievable and downright impossible stuff like how:
Alex’s assistant gets sucked into a vortex and becomes totally invisible to the naked eye.
Alex makes a handkerchief come alive and dance.
Alex gets a member of the audience to perform the “World Most Dangerous Card Trick”. Hint: It’ involves a GUN!
Alex makes a lady defy the laws of gravity!Alex gets a member of the audience to test out his very dangerous guillotine. Someone might just go losing his head!
Alex makes an entire cage of doves visually “melt” into thin air!
Alex perform Houdini’s most famous illusion, “Metamorphosis” FASTER and WAY BETTER than the way Houdini performed it.
And WAY too much to list over here
Alex The Magician
Customised Magic
YES! We are also able to conceptualise, design and perform customised Magical effects to magically produce a product, a logo, a person or put across a message or an idea for your special events.